I was most upset as I pulled in expecting a free designer lunch at Fixtures Living yesterday to find that they have rebranded and moved up the road to UTC La Jolla Mall, round the back of Sears and Crate and Barrel.
The new location and entirely new brand 'Pirch' is mind blowingly amazing. As a designer I was a little sceptical of the retail location, but I have to say, hats off to them, it is an awe inspiring showroom.
As a designer I was blown away with the selection of high quality fixtures, indoors and out, as I know all my clients will be.
I have included a few pics for you of the showroom and some of the displays. Just lovely.
Without a local design centre, we San Diegans (I'm pulling myself into this category now I have lived here for over 3 years!) have to jump with joy when we have gorgeous design resources like this.
I would suggest you all jump in your cars immediately and get your free lemonade and wander round, if you need a new kitchen or not. This is experiential design and brand positioning at it's best.